A pop of color in a gray day

This morning was drizzly and gray, but relatively warm (high 50s), so I decided to put on my rain coat and take my walk outside.  The air smelled fresh, and even though the sky was dreary, plenty of color was still present – lush green grass, yellow and orange fall leaves, and even a few purple mums in one neighbor’s garden.

Then, about midway through my route, I saw these lovelies:

In a season of “endings”, today I still witnessed plenty of vitality.


About Stef

A "serious" gal who is trying to remember to lighten up and smile.
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2 Responses to A pop of color in a gray day

  1. bendedspoon says:

    not only you’re good in ‘seeing’
    but also in expressing
    because if not
    you won’t be able to share
    the ‘vitalites’ of life.
    thanks for sharing!
    i wonder if i will reach that point.


  2. Stef says:

    Thank you so much for this thoughtful comment; I *truly* appreciate it. I’ve had many years to practice my writing; and I’m still developing the craft. I believe we all have our own ‘voice’, we just need to open up to exploring it – which you are doing! 🙂


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