A forest flat

So I’m driving down the road this morning, just minding my own business, when I glance off to the right side of the street – and I really can’t believe my eyes.

I actually turn my car around, circle back one block, and pull over.  I literally get out of my car, and walk across the street to get a better look.

Oh. My. Goodness.


Hopefully you can tell from the picture: this tree house is bigger than the actual house it ‘belongs’ to.  Amazing.

I hope the kids who enjoy(ed?) that tree house really understand how truly special their parents are.  That’s a big ol’ expression of love, right there.  And it’s pretty permanent, too.  It’s like a tattoo for the yard.

{And the visual that popped into my brain as that last sentence flowed from my fingers *totally* just made me smile.  Awesome.}


P.S.  Here’s a picture of the amazing hangout from the winter, when the tree is bare of its’ leaves – and you can see all of the tree house.

About Stef

A "serious" gal who is trying to remember to lighten up and smile.
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37 Responses to A forest flat

  1. Dianne - life as i see it says:

    oh my, awesome is right ! well worth turning around to get a photo.. thanks ;o)


  2. Hallysann says:

    Wow indeed ! 😀


  3. nrhatch says:

    Wow! You almost need a butler with a place that big!

    Thanks for the smile! 😀


  4. Wow! That is really cool! 🙂 Thanks for showing this!


  5. Oh yeah, and I am honored to pass on to you 3 awards for your blog: The Irresistibly Sweet, Stylish and Versatile Blog Awards!

    Lost & Found and Belated Awards


    • Stef says:

      Sharon, thank you so much! I’ve never received an award for blogging before… what do I do with it? It sounds like fun! 🙂


      • Pass them on to whoever you feel deserves them!
        Usually, you’re supposed to say 7 unknown facts about yourself, (which I didn’t do this time) but I DID do the first time I had an award. Then some blogs say pass to 10 people, some say 15, but I say pass to however many you feel like! 🙂


  6. barb19 says:

    Absolutely amazing tree house – I’ve never seen anything like it in my life! Those kids are sure lucky to have parents who love them so much to do this for them – definitely a labour of love!


    • Stef says:

      I, too, have never seen anything like it before. I can’t begin to imagine how much time/effort/skill/money/etc. went in to building it!


  7. rutheh says:

    Swiss Family Robinson?


    • Stef says:

      Ruth, I have never seen an episode of Swiss Family Robinson, nor do I even know what the show was about. I could Google it, I suppose….It was a little before my time.


  8. Lia says:

    Oh. my. Trying to pick my jaw up off the ground. WOW. Thank you for sharing this – I love tree houses!


  9. Joss says:

    that tree house is like a dream come true. How incredible! I love it.


  10. Angie~Lah says:

    That is one of the coolest things I’ve seen in a while. I wish I had a setup like that when I was a brat.


  11. Touch2Touch says:

    To echo everyone else —
    But it really deserves it —


  12. carlaat says:

    Beautiful. I hope it’s not just for children – seems that it would make a great studio or writers’ retreat too!


  13. Hi Stef,
    Who would have believed it!
    be good to yourself


  14. That is AWESOME! If only all children could experience such a loving and magical childhood.


  15. What a fun, FUN house for a child to explore and create adventures that would leave memories for a lifetime! Thanks for turning around for this photo. I certainly enjoyed it.


  16. Wow!
    It looks like something out of the film ‘Coast’.
    True dedication.


    • Stef says:

      I have never heard of the film “Coast” – so I looked it up on IMDB. Is it a 10 minute short from last year?

      Yes, the people who build this amazing abode had no only vision, but effort to back it up. Pretty incredible.


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