Today I worked from home.  I don’t do this very often (once every 3-4 months or so), but occasionally spending a day in my home office instead of my city office is a nice way to shake up routines, give myself a break from monotony, and feel ‘indulgent’ in not having to bother with a downtown commute.  That, and I get an extra half hour of sleep.  😉

I was active on the computer for literally eight hours today, completely uninterrupted.  The experience was simultaneously joyfully productive yet also slightly unpleasant.  I ended the day with a flat rear end (from sitting all day) and dry red eyes (from staring all day); but I also felt accomplished and tranquil – and I got to spend the day in a t-shirt and polka dot socks, enjoying a fresh breeze tickling my nose through the open windows of the house.   Aaahhhh…

Not a bad deal.  For all the jobs I could occupy, I’m damn lucky to have the one that I do.

(The polka dot socks. Sexy, non?) *wink*


About Stef

A "serious" gal who is trying to remember to lighten up and smile.
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11 Responses to WFH

  1. Joceline says:

    was at a workshop tonight and wfh came up – it’s happening more and more and companies are finding that people are more productive! love the socks btw.


    • Stef says:

      Some corporate cultures are more amenable to it than others. A few companies in the city I live in a SIGNIFICANT work-from-home/work-remotely advocates. I’m lucky in that my work team and my supervisor are strong supporters of work-from-home. It certainly isn’t for everyone (I’ve found it requires a LOT of discipline), but for folks who can do it (i.e., have both the right logistics and the right mindset in place) it really is pretty amazing.


  2. Sounds like a great day!
    By the way, I did a post with a sentence from every year I’ve been alive! 🙂

    My Life in 28 Sentences?


  3. Touch2Touch says:

    The sexy socks deserve a day’s outing —
    wear ’em to the office tomorrow! Or a sexy sister pair –
    That should give a smile (not a laugh, a smile of delight) to everyone —


    • Stef says:

      I love your thoughtful distinction between people laughing at me, and smiling with me. 🙂
      I have MANY pairs of ‘sexy’ (read: crazy-but-warm) socks that I wear out frequently. They add a small bit of delight to my day. 😉


  4. Pingback: Lay your hands on me | Smile, kiddo.

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