Perks of a March snowstorm

We got a fair wallop of snow yesterday – but there’s nothing like a good-size snowman to turn these tiny frozen lemons into a huge lemonade slushie.  😉

This guy/gal belongs to our next door neighbors. See how s/he comes up to the second level of their house?!

(Okay, so the eyes are a little creepy, and the head is a little shrink-ish, but it’s still an impressive display.) 😉

[Snow art abounds in my neighborhood; check out the amazing snow angel that another neighbor made last year.  Impressive.]


About Stef

A "serious" gal who is trying to remember to lighten up and smile.
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8 Responses to Perks of a March snowstorm

  1. OMG that’s a LOT of snow! And it makes me glad I live in San Diego because I hate the cold and the white stuff (except in pictures). Brrrrrr….


    • Stef says:

      I’m not a fan of snow/ice/cold either – but every now and again something happens where I can appreciate it for a short while. But if I had my way, my sweetie and I would be living in a much more southern/western climate. Alas, the things I do for love… 😉


  2. great to see that people are having fun with the snow instead of grumbling about it. Make a snowman, go sledding, stay home and drink hot chocolate – all are good snow day activities.


  3. rutheh says:

    What fun! I love that “snow art abounds”. I wonder if the snow person comes alive at night.


    • Stef says:

      Ooohhh, imagining the snow person becoming animated is kind of a creepy and scary thought for me. I’m not so sure s/he would be all that friendly… (the eyes really do kind of freak me out…)


  4. Touch2Touch says:

    Well, yes, the eyes are kind of creepy. But she certainly has a jaunty personality!
    I remember that snow angel from last year, it was AMAZING!
    We have what I consider a lot of snow, but next to yours, it’s a beach!


    • Stef says:

      Agreed – the snow person’s demeanor is more merry than menacing.
      Fortunately the sun has been shining brightly for the past 24-36 hours, so much of the snow has melted (at least from the roads)…It just wouldn’t be March without a hefty snow storm. 🙂


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