A little announcement

Howdy folks!

This is a super-quick note to let you all know that I’ve started a new blog.  The new online space is a daily post format, but every post is very brief.

I’m still going to be posting to this blog each week – but thought you might be interested in looking over the new site (if you feel like you might want to read a little something from me every day).

You can check out the new site here.

Otherwise, I’ll see you back at this space in a few days.  🙂



About Stef

A "serious" gal who is trying to remember to lighten up and smile.
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4 Responses to A little announcement

  1. You are going to be a busy gal! I’ve got several blogs I maintain too and it’s quite a feat.


    • Stef says:

      I intentionally made the newest blog a super-simple one, as I know I don’t have the time (or energy) to write insightful, poetic prose every day. 😉 But I figured I can do a quickie list of three things every day, right? 🙂


  2. Hey! You know what, i think this new blog is a good idea! I wish i could do this though. i’m too lazy to write. 😦 maybe i should try!


    • Stef says:

      Writing three quick things every day is actually really easy to do – it takes me literally 10 minutes every night to write each post. The more ‘challenging’ part is being observant throughout the day so that I witness/experience/appreciate at least three things to share. (But then, that’s the whole point of the blog…)

      If three things feels like too much for you, try doing just one a day, and see if that is more reasonable/manageable. You might be surprised by what you find…


Have a thought, opinion, comment? I'd love to read it!