Coffee apothecary?

At the coffee shop this morning, I went to the condiment counter and added the various accoutrements I like to my beverage.  I somewhat mindlessly reached into the bin that holds the stir sticks and found… a tongue depressor.  No lie.  Check it out:

I stood at the counter slightly stunned for half a second, then I chuckled out loud, and then I smiled all the way back to my office.  The stick certainly works to mix my drink – and it made my morning, too.


About Stef

A "serious" gal who is trying to remember to lighten up and smile.
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4 Responses to Coffee apothecary?

  1. Silly question I’m sure but, was it used?


    • Stef says:

      Not a silly question at all; I should have been more clear. It looked like the coffee shop ran out of stir sticks, because the entire container where the stir sticks usually are was full of tongue depressors. My guess is that they ran out of stir stick inventory, so they ran across the street to the drug store, and purchased something “close” – i.e., tongue depressors. My assumption is that they were all clean and unused. 🙂


  2. dibahr says:

    Thanks for the smile 🙂


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