Another gratitude list

Today was a gratitude kind of day.  It was a more mild gratitude day than I’ve experienced in the past (today was a lower-level, just-need-an-attitude-tweak kind of a day), but it was a gratitude day nonetheless.  So, here’s my list of gratitudes for today:

  1. I am healthy, as are most of my family and friends
  2. I have a husband that loves me and does nice things for me
  3. I have friends all around me (in person, online, at work, in leisure…)
  4. I have a reliable car that safely takes me where I need to go
  5. I can afford the gas to put into my car, even at these unreasonably high prices
  6. I have a job that pays me well and treats me well
  7. I have a part-time work schedule that allows me to pursue interests in addition to fulfilling obligations
  8. I have many delightful modern conveniences all around me (dishwasher, computers, cell phone, treadmill, DVR/TiVo…)
  9. I can express myself clearly, articulately, quickly, and in ways other people understand – I can connect with fellow humans and get my thoughts, feelings, “voice” heard
  10. I can read, research, explore, synthesize, remember – I can learn; and in learning, I can change.

Yeah, I’m pretty lucky.


About Stef

A "serious" gal who is trying to remember to lighten up and smile.
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12 Responses to Another gratitude list

  1. Christine says:

    That is a great list and great idea…might have to try to make one to get out of my slump!


    • Stef says:

      Gratitude lists always get me out of a funk – sometimes only for a few minutes, sometimes for a few hours, but sometimes for a few weeks or months. I think the time investment is well-worth it. 🙂


  2. carlaat says:

    Hope you get some sunshine soon so you can be grateful for that too!


  3. Love the quote at the bottom!


    • Stef says:

      Thanks! There was another quote I was considering adding: “One of the things I learned the hard way was that it doesn’t pay to get discouraged. Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself.” –Lucille Ball.

      But I wasn’t feeling so much discouraged or insecure as I was just “blah”; but this is still a great quote. 🙂


  4. Thanks for posting this! Maybe doing a gratitude list would help me get out of the blah feeling I’ve had for the past few days…


    • Stef says:

      I’m a fan. 🙂 If you write one, I’d love to see it! (If you’re willing to share, that is. Sometimes they can be personal; and if that’s the case, I absolutely respect that.)


  5. narami says:

    This one reminds me of the morning when I shared a status on facebook that said “I am thankful that today I can wake up, and stand up from my bed. And so should you.”
    It was in honor of a close friend that had just suffered Guillain-Barre syndrome.

    Thanks for reminding us of gratitude 🙂

    (my friend, one year after that, she can now walk again 🙂 )


    • Stef says:

      I, too, had an acquaintance who had an attack of Guillain-Barre – I had never heard about it before.

      And you are so right, every day that I get to wake up healthy and functioning is a day where I already have a LOT to be grateful for. 🙂


  6. There is always something to be thankful for.
    Some days it can be hard to realize it, though.
    Today I am thankful that your visit to my blog brought me to your blog!


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